(Revised 8/1/07 ML #3106)
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Paid employment opportunities for persons for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely, and who, because of their disabilities, need the provision of intensive, ongoing support to perform in a work setting with necessary adaptations, supervision, and training appropriate to the person’s disability.
Service Eligibility, Criteria for
The individual receiving Supported Employment Services will meet the following criteria:
This service would not include supervised or training activities provided in a typical business setting. Nor does it include prevocational skills development. These activities are provided through TBI residential or transitional care as a component of promoting independent living skills and social appropriateness.
Employment job site is at a work site in which persons without disabilities are employed, payment will only be made for the adaptations, supervision, and training required by the client as a result of their disability and will not include supervisory activities rendered as a normal part of the business setting.
Service Tasks